Animation and Special Effects Service

Our team of Multimedia Developers and Multimedia animators use the latest multimedia technologies to create personal or business introductions, animations & multimedia presentations and special effects for your personals, business or corporate presentations. These Multimedia animations can clearly target and communicate your presentation to the targeted audience. Our Houston Multimedia Animators are capable of creating and developing the animations, using the correct blend of colors, music, and voice resulting the desired multimedia piece.

Multimedia and Animation Services for:

Animated Logo or Logo Animation
Interactive multimedia Presentations
Animated Commercials
Animated Trade Show Presentations
Video Production with Special Effects
3D Animation videos
Animated Training Presentations
Computer Based Training multimedia software
Animated Flash Presentations
Conference Presentations
Medical Animations
Multimedia Educational Software (CBT)
Object Design and Animation
Simulation Training Softwares

We may also compress and convert videos for various purposes such as converting videos into flash presentations and PowerPoint, integrating them into websites, and covering extended video footage in a limited space for DVD’s and CD ROMs etc.

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About Us

Audio-Visual Consultants Group, Nepal (AV Consults) - leading independent group of professional audio-visual companies and project managers in Nepal. AV Consults, at present, comprises of  leading audio-visual companies in Nepal namely Audio Visual and Software Services(AVASS HD).

Support Office

Greeline Media Pvt. Ltd.
Avass Television HD
Bharatpur-9 Aastha Chowk Bihani Tole,
Chitwan, Nepal